Data Privacy & GDPR

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Ensure Data Protection and Compliance with Expert Data Privacy & GDPR Services

More than ever, citizens around the world are concerned about what organisations do with their personal data. As many high-profile breaches have demonstrated, there are significant risks for both individuals and businesses when things go wrong.

In this context, regulations have been evolving over the past few years. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Privacy Shield have come into force to lead businesses towards compliance with Data Privacy best practice. Vittoba provides businesses with the support they need to ensure adequate compliance with data protection regulations and alignment with widely adopted and recognisable data management frameworks.

Our team help organisations of all sizes navigate the complex legal requirements and compliance obligations related to data privacy, as well as maximise the benefits that sound data management provides. Offering state-of-the-art audit, compliance, implementation and change management services, our team provides :

  • GDPR support (readiness assessments, detailed risk-based compliance assessments across all GDPR clauses and themed compliance reviews e.g. cross-border transfer analysis, implementation of our compliance program and on-going monitoring);
  • Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA);
  • Breach response reviews;
  • Third-party privacy reviews;
  • Design and implementation of privacy and operating models;
  • Data protection internal audits;
  • Training and awareness programmes;
  • Audit compliance, implementation and change management related to GDPR; and
  • Cyber Security and Information Security.
DPO Outsourcing Services

Under Article 37 of GDPR certain organisations are required to employ a Data Protection Officer (DPO). The scope of the role itself is broad in nature and it would have to be at a senior level in the organisation. Some organisations may find it hard to attract and retain a DPO that meets the criteria and also may struggle to justify the expense of such a person on a fulltime basis. Recognising this challenge, GDPR allows for DPOs to be outsourced or co-sourced.

Benefits of Outsourcing or Co-Sourcing a DPO Includes :
  • Reducing the cost associated with a full time DPO.
  • Avoiding the DPO from becoming a key person dependency.
  • Having confidence that you can access the full breath of capabilities required of the DPO.
  • Meeting the independence requirements for the DPO role.
Vittoba Provides Outsourced and Co-Sourced Data Protection Officer Services

We can provide your organisation with DPO services from our multi-disciplinary team who have GDPR certificates and expertise in cyber security, data protection, data management, data analysis, IT operations, forensic technologies and technology transformation capabilities.

Vittoba’s DPO Service Provides :
  • A Data Privacy Support Hotline.
  • Reviewing Your Privacy Notices and Policies.
  • Providing Support Meetings, Training and Guidance.
  • Updating Your Records of Processing Activities.
  • Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs).
  • Reviewing Consent Mechanisms, SAR and Cookies.
  • Monitoring Privacy KPIs.

Through working with Vittoba, your organisation would be able to ensure GDPR compliance as well as benefit from our value-added expertise.